North Carolina Lemon Pie
I am loving this Lemon Pie recipe and it is just in time for Thanksgiving. It is a bit like Key Lime Pie. I love everything lemon, and...
I am loving this Lemon Pie recipe and it is just in time for Thanksgiving. It is a bit like Key Lime Pie. I love everything lemon, and...
Thanksgiving means playing card games and having some fun snacks. These two are family favorites. Hope you enjoy them too. Muddy...
Cookies and Christmas Eve, a match made in heaven. I try to make a new cookie now and then and this one worked out great. It was a bit...
Christmas morning breakfast is the best! This recipe is a great way to cook for a crowd without a lot of pans and effort. I hope that...
I have always loved Brussel Sprouts but never really thought of them as a salad. This was a fun recipe that was different and yet so...
Chicken Fried Chicken Serves 4 4 chicken breasts, boneless skinless 2 cups buttermilk 2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce 1 cup...
I am working on what the menu will be for the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl will be held in Miami and I love to make food from the city...
Super Bowl is almost here, so time to party. I will be serving another Miami favorite recipe, a Cuban sandwich. This starts with a...
I love those cute little potatoes you see in the grocery store. This is a great way to show them off and they are amazing with a steak...
Funeral Potatoes aren’t just for funerals, they are perfect for Easter Dinner. 20-ounce package of shredded hash browns 1 Can (10.75...
Life has turned stressful and different but looking at the bright side we are spending a lot of time with those we love. I am looking to...
Easter is here and it is springtime in Utah! That used to mean Easter Egg Hunts in the snow, huge family dinners, and Trips to southern...
It is strawberry season and those berries are looking great in the stores. This is a fun start to Easter Morning. Hope you have loved...
I bought a lot of bananas for all this time at home. They sounded great but after a few days I had very ripe bananas. So off to the...
Crazy times mean some crazy memories. Make an old fashioned soup! Remember to take some to your grandma and put on her porch; she will...
I know this sounds like two different countries got together to make this, but it really just a Heber Valley Specialty. And it is just...
I love Smores but hate that the chocolate is never melted or when I bite into it my long-awaited marshmallows ooze out the back. I...
My friend posted this on his Facebook page. It looked so awesome I asked for the recipe. This will be perfect for Memorial Weekend. ...
This was a fun Sunday afternoon dinner; it feeds 4 to 6 people. Cut up the chicken and put into the marinade the day before. The day you...
These cookies are fun to make and they are fun to take to a family get together in the park. They are also awesome to take camping....
I have always loved Beer Can Chicken but cannot get it to come off the barbeque without a lot of worry. It is so hot, and the pan and...
Monte Crisco Sandwich 4 thin slice good quality white bread 2 thin sliced deli cooked turkey (about 1 oz. each) 2 thin slice deli smoked...
Camping is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. If you do not like to camp you could still make these over your barbeque. ...
We have made this awesome cake in an Outdoor Dutch Oven. Super fun and super yummy. I have included regular slow cooker or oven...