Ranch Baby Carrots
I am always looking for new vegetable recipes to go with barbequing. This recipe is awesome, it combines two favorites ranch and carrots....
I am always looking for new vegetable recipes to go with barbequing. This recipe is awesome, it combines two favorites ranch and carrots....
English Cucumbers are always in season it seems. I am not sure if you can grow them here in Utah, I know I grown nothing but grass LOL. ...
This is a perfect appetizer, but I love it so much I will call it a salad. Great summer appetizer by the pool or camping. Hope you...
My friends were raving about this grab and go breakfast. I am thinking really, how good could Chia seeds be? Aren’t those the things you...
I was so excited to make these crazy cookies. Most of you can just buy them at the store, but being Gluten Free these silly cookies have...
Corn Season is here! We serve a lot of corn on the cob this time of year. I always boil a few extra ears, then cut off the cob and put...
My husband wanted some Salmon Fish and Chips. That doesn’t sound too hard considering I know how to fry things. I don’t like Salmon, so...
I love peach cobbler, my husband does not. So, I found this awesome recipe for a peach cobbler for one person made in the microwave. I...
This is an easy and quick way to make chicken look fancy. Takes about 30 minutes from start to finish. Lemon Chicken 4 Chicken Breasts,...
Every year I want to go pick apples at the Huber Grove over in Midway. It looks like so much family fun! BUT once again I am too late...
It is Pumpkin Season, and we are serving Pumpkin Shakes at the Dairy Keen. These two recipes are fun to share while watching football...
I missed getting “fudge” during the Utah State Fair this year. I love the milk chocolate the best. I pulled out the recipe and made my...
We had a friend give us some beautiful Butternut Squash. This recipe was a hit! Hope you love it too. Butternut Squash Risotto Serves...
This is a family favorite we hope you will love too. Mandarin Beef and Asparagus with Black Bean Sauce Serves 4 11 oz. flank steak 2-3...
These awesome rolls are a Thanksgiving family tradition for my friend’s family. They are not super sweet, so they go with dinner. They...
Thanksgiving is going to be weird this year. My husband and I will be eating alone. No worries I have a 10-pound boneless turkey to...
We are working on downsizing Thanksgiving for just two this year. We still want the traditional things we love. Frog Eye Salad for Two...
Time for Thanksgiving Leftovers! Best thing ever! Sweet Potato Muffins 1 ¾ Cup all-purpose flour ¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon...
I have a lot of apples and thought this would be fun to try. I have a convection oven and I have heard it can be used as an Air Fryer. ...
My son came to visit, and he loves to whip this up for the family. Super easy and fast too. Sesame Chicken with Broccoli Serve 4-6 1 Cup...
These cookies are amazing and perfect for Santa! There are especially amazing with the Raspberry Jam you can get at the Dairy Keen. ...
This is perfect for this week as I have a lot of left-over ham from Easter. If I had a garden, I might have some peas too. But frozen...
Easter is the perfect time to make these awesome raspberry rolls. Remember we sell amazing Jars of House made Raspberry Jam here at the...
I love spinach artichoke dip and this dish with chicken will be perfect for you mother for Mother’s Day Dinner. Enjoy you mom, you...